版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本
Free and Open Source tool for developers to test and debug applications. This tool is suited for testing registered URIs in your applications manifest. Any number of String type extras can be added. This tool uses the startActivity(Intent) -method from Context.java -class to launch the Intents. Similar to "am start" command line tool in Android OS.
Licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License.
More info, Source code and full license available at https://github.com/vetoketju/intentlauncher
Please report bugs on the github issue tracker. Contributions are welcome! The application is or might be distributed on Google Play Store, F-droid repository and apk -file download on github releases page.
Launcher Icon
Original icon from Flaticon by Freepik: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/rocket-launch_251978
The icon was converted for Android with http://inloop.github.io/svg2android/ by Juraj Novák
Third party libraries and technologies
Relm Database by Realm (https://realm.io/products/realm-database)
Kotlin sponsored and developed by JetBrains (https://kotlinlang.org/)